During the 2019 Commencement weekend, Nothern Vermont University-Lyndon Atmospheric Sciences (ATM) held a capstone symposium so that that seniors could show family and friends what they’ve been up to for the past year. These students were the first to take a newly revamped two-semester senior capstone course, which allowed them to synthesize and apply knowledge and skills gained throughout the Atmospheric Sciences curriculum.

Following guidance from the latest American Meteorological Society Information Statement on Bachelor’s Degrees in Atmospheric Sciences, each Senior Capstone student completed a self-identified project, preferably relevant to their career goal and interests. This provided a tangible manifestation of each students’ ability to apply the knowledge they had gained from their academic work.

Students then created conference-style posters to communicate their results. These posters were on display during the final exam week as well as the day before the NVU-Lyndon Commencement at the senior capstone symposium.

Anthony Carpino
Experiential Learning: A Workshop for Undergraduate Atmospheric Science Students

Robert Denton
How Can We Improve Real-Time Weather Warnings?

Jason Doris
Impacts of Climate Change on Winter Storms in Southern New England

Celia Fisher
Meteorological Drivers of Rapid Wildfire Growth in Alaska’s Boreal Forest

Robert Grimm
Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Subseasonal Predictability: Comparing CFSv2 Operational Forecasts with CryoSat-2/SMOS Satellite Data

Curran Hendershot
Common Signatures Among Thundersnow Storms

Jessica Langlois
A More Effective Approach to Severe Weather Coverage on Social Media in the Boston Area

Sarah Levesque
An Analysis of Climate Change Communication through Broadcast Media: Examining Average Minimum Nighttime Temperatures

Evan Levine
Relationship Between Total Lightning Activity and Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Intensity

James Mundy
Lightning Network Integration

Madison Rodgers
The Effect of Warming Sea-Surface Temperatures on Topical Cyclone Intensity

Francis Tarasiewicz
An Improved Wind-Related Power Outage Model

Lexie Walker
Finding a Methodology to Teach Climate Change That Best Engages Students with Different Learning Styles