CIS 2101 Homework Assignment #7


NOTE: To copy and paste in the Unix environment the following may be used:

  1. What are the file types for the following files located in /mnt/homes/CLASSES/CIS2101/lab07: (0.2 pts each)
    1. hosts.dat
    2. marvin.jpg
    3. photo.jpg
    4. cmd.exe
    5. kdrive.bat
    6. rdss.tar
    7. sat_ne_ir.csh
    8. pine-4.58-i386-1.tgz
    9. unzip.exe
  2. What is the location (absolute path) for the command ncl? (1 pt)
  3. What command would you use to display the contents of the file /mnt/homes/CLASSES/CIS2101/lab07/output.dat to the screen? Show the command used and its output below: (1 pt)
  4. Show the first four lines of the file /mnt/homes/CLASSES/CIS2101/lab07/df.out along with the command used to create this output below: (1 pt)
  5. Show the last seven lines of the file /mnt/homes/CLASSES/CIS2101/lab07/hosts.dat along with the command used to create this output below: (1 pt)
  6. Create a directory in your CLASSES/CIS2101 directory (/mnt/homes/CLASSES/CIS2101/<username>) named unix_lab07. Copy the file /mnt/homes/CLASSES/CIS2101/lab07/ to this new directory with the new name "". Do this copy as one command. Show the command you used to do this below: (1 pt)
  7. Copy the directory /mnt/homes/CLASSES/CIS2101/lab07/Voom and its contents to your unix_lab07 directory. Show the command you used to do this and a long listing of the contents of the copied directory below: (1 pt)
  8. Copy all files ending in ".jpg" from /mnt/homes/CLASSES/CIS2101/lab07/ to a new directory unix_lab07/pictures under your CLASSES/CIS2101 directory. Show the command below along with a listing of all the files in the pictures directory. (2 pt)
  9. Create a tar file of all files ending in ".jpg" that you copied in question 8. Name this tar file mytarfile.tar. Show the command below and a long listing of the tar file.(2 pt)

last updated: 12 Sep 2020 17:42